Building Up Students
In Unity & Beyond
Our philosophy is to create a culture that inspires young people to be successful at home, school, work, church, and in their community. To effectively achieve this, we must concentrate on reaching the student first by showing them they are important, they count, we care, and we believe in them.
What makes UNITY’s philosophy so unique is our impact goes far beyond the organization and reaches beyond all social institutions and economic, racial, and religious limitations to challenge young people to grow, excel, dream, live productively, and have hope for the future.
Using UNITY’s Five Essentials “E’s,” Exposure, Education, Empowerment, Equipping, and Excellence, our goal is to give young people a jump-start on life and get them ahead of the game of life so they don’t have to play catch-up.
I Can, I Know I Can, So I Will
We start the process of growth by exposing students to a powerful affirmation that becomes their motto: “I Can, I Know I Can, So I Will.” This begins shaping their mental attitude about themselves, making room for self-confidence to grow.
Never Say No to an Opportunity to Grow
When confidence has a fertile atmosphere to grow, the desire to achieve increases, and the following affirmation is deposited into their mental attitude: “Never Say No To An Opportunity To Grow.” To prepare them to face opportunity without doubt, we must empower them to embrace opportunities and face their fears to achieve something bigger than themselves.
Excellence and Nothing Less
“Excellence and Nothing Less” is the standard that we inspire students to adopt. We want students to set a standard of excellence for their life that supports a healthy value system that takes nothing for granted and is ready to demonstrate gratitude, respect, and appreciation for every act of kindness invested into them.
Strong Support
We provide a strong support system during their time with UNITY and beyond that equips them with the tools, resources, information, knowledge, and coaching to be successful young adults that will make a difference in a competitive and striving world.
Positive & Passionate Adults
We build up students by surrounding them with positive and passionate adults; not those who looking for attention, importance, or a platform to be famous, but rather adults who are optimistic about life and passionate about working with young people. They must be examples of lifetime learning and improvement and are ready to focus on pouring into the lives of others.
Our Model
The UNITY Model consists of two unique components that make this 21st-century after-school concept more attractive for youth and parents of this generation. Our youth development training is driven by a concept called Substance-Based Programming, while our artistic programming is based on a component called Mainstream Soulful Art Forms.
Substance-Based Programming
This programming is designed to empower, build, and impact youth at a deeper level in their childhood and cause long-term, positive transformational effects. UNITY provides an environment that pours substance into the child instead of offering a constant dose of activity that occupies their attention but fails to build character or develop a well-balanced young person.
Our holistic approach to artistic programming shapes and molds the person first and develops the talent second. However, the success of our development model depends on the commitment level of the students and parents who join the organization.

Mainstream Soulful Art Forms
This artistic concept provides a non-traditional focus on the arts. It embraces art forms that inspire deep feeling, expression, and emotion, giving the listener a soulful experience that touches and moves the heart. The soulful art forms offer students exposure to many known and unknown composers, artists, musicians, dancers, speakers, and writers that helped shape the artistic landscape of America. In addition, UNITY’s artistic focus provides an educational platform for students to learn various cultural styles and techniques not taught in traditional training. We give students a versatile creative experience that makes the arts relevant to them and develops a healthy and balanced view of the arts outside the traditional artistic view of the European experience.
What this model offers students
A second family and friends for life
Talent sharpening and skill development
Artistic exposure to soulful art forms
Coaching and lessons that prepare them for life
Character building and leadership training
Opportunities to grow and excel
Moral, academic, collegiate, personal, and professional support
Guidance, encouragement, confidence, significance, purpose, and inspiration
Exposure to great people, places, and performances
Nurturing and relationship building
Financial investment
A platform to showcase your talents
Tools and resources
How We
The concept of UNITY is a holistic approach to combining the performing arts and life-building skills for youth. This unique concept aims to produce new and exciting performers who become successful business people, thinkers, and professionals.
To build quality youth, they must be surrounded by quality adults who are mature, encouraging, disciplined, focused, and who are examples of excellence.
- WE BELIEVE every young person can be great at something.
- WE BELIEVE, place young people in a positive environment where they feel empowered, special, unique, encouraged, challenged, and given genuine attention, and they will produce incredible results.
- WE BELIEVE every young person has an artistic talent, whether they know it or not. However, they will discover their truest potential if they open their minds and hearts to coaching.
- WE BELIEVE shyness is just a veil that shields a person’s greatness from others. A child needs someone to come along to tear down the shield of shyness so their greatness can be seen.
- WE BELIEVE, in most cases, behind a dysfunctional child is a dysfunctional adult—or no positive adults.
- WE BELIEVE we must start today, building our future leaders for tomorrow.
We foster an attitude around our students that is encouraging, edifying, and nurturing; that celebrates, highlights, and lifts them to dream, live and have hope for their future. We approach our work with the attitude to be productive, not just busy, great and not just good, and transformational and not just exciting. And finally, we promote an attitude of gratitude throughout the organization that shows our donors and the community we value them for their generosity and moral support throughout the years.
Our mindset drives the belief that whatever is needed to get the job done, we must be willing to give whatever is required and be prepared to give more than what is required without being asked. “Getting the Right Things Done, the Right Way, and On Time.”
To prepare a generation of young people that will hopefully one day lead, govern, protect, and manage this country and the world. During the development years, we will empower and equip these young people for a life of impact, prosperity, and commitment that will change their culture for generations.